Krotovius John
Krotovius John
Krotovius John , (Polon. Grotkowski,) was the first Minister of the Church of Smigel, over which, according to the Manuscript Acts of Synod, he presided in the year 1580. It is stated in these Acts, that he judaized ; and that he never taught the people from the books of the New Testament, but only from those of the Old ; and never himself invoked the Son of God, or permitted the people to invoke him. The Synod of Racow, held on the 10th of May, 1580, endeavoured to convince him that he was in error on these subjects ; but for a long time he would not listen, or pay any attention to what was said, and being a man of no common attainments, he defended his views with much ability. At length, however, he was prevailed upon, by the arguments and importunities of his friends, to give way ; and Bock says, that, both by tears and in words, he retracted the error which he had been instrumental in disseminating, and joined the rest of the Unitarian community. In the year 1584, he was appointed Minister of the Church at Kieidany, in the Grand Dukedom of Lithuania. He was probably the father of John Grotkovius, who married the daughter of Valentine Smalcius. (Vide Art. 187.)
(Vidend. Bock, Hist. Ant. T. I. pp. 425, 426.)
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